Kinesiology, Master of Arts (M.A.)

Thesis option: 30 credits
Non-thesis option: 30 credits

Completion of the master's degree with thesis requires a minimum of 24 semester hours and six thesis credits. The M.A. non-thesis option requires a minimum of 27 semester hours, a three-credit project based on an independent scholarly investigation, and a final comprehensive examination. Students in both options work under the direction of a graduate faculty advisor and must complete, as a minimum, six semester hours in a cognate area, six semester hours in research processes, and twelve semester hours in supporting courses either in or outside of the department. If internships are selected as part of the individual program, the total credits will exceed the minimum 30 credits.

Course Title Credits
Required courses:
SPHL600Foundations of Public Health3
KNES610Methods and Techniques of Research3
SPHL612Research Ethics1
Research tools/processes course3
Specialization Requirements
Specialization courses6
Outside Specialization courses3
Thesis or Non-thesis
Thesis option:6
Master's Thesis Research
Non-thesis option:
Advanced Projects in Kinesiology
Total Credits30