Division of Administration

2119 Thomas V. Miller, Jr. Administration Building
Phone: 301-405-1105

Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer: Carlo Colella

The Division of Administration is responsible for the university’s 1,352-acre physical environment, including over 14 million square feet of facilities; and provides a variety of administrative services in support of the university's mission. More than 1,700 staff members ensure a safe, well-maintained and clean environment; facilitate planning for the future of the campus and manage construction; manage purchasing, support transportation demand management; manage the real estate needs of the university; and promote partnerships with surrounding communities.

Our operations include: Community Engagement; Environmental Safety, Sustainability & Risk; Facilities Management; Procurement & Business Services; Public Safety; Real Estate; Transportation Services; and University Human Resources.

Of particular interest to students are the services and resources offered by Public Safety; campus programs related to sustainability and climate action; and services offered by Transportation Services (parking, Shuttle-UM, and Smart Commute).