Graduate Programs
- Accounting (BMAC)MasterThe Robert H. Smith School of BusinessProfessional
- Accounting (online) (OMAC)MasterThe Robert H. Smith School of BusinessFully online
- Administration, Supervision & Curriculum (Z900)Certificate (non-degree)College of Education
- Aerospace Engineering (ENAE)DoctoralMasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringResearch
- Aerospace Engineering (PMAE)MasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessional
- Aerospace Engineering (Z053)Certificate (non-degree)A. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessional
- African American Studies (Z096)Certificate (non-degree)College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
- Agricultural and Resource Economics (AREC)DoctoralMasterCollege of Agriculture and Natural ResourcesResearch
- Air Quality Science and Technology (Z047)Certificate (non-degree)College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences
- American Studies (AMST)DoctoralMasterCollege of Arts and HumanitiesResearch
- Animal Sciences (ANSC)DoctoralMasterCollege of Agriculture and Natural ResourcesResearch
- Anthropology (ANTH)DoctoralMasterCollege of Behavioral and Social SciencesResearchInternship or Clinical Experience
- Applied Anthropology and Historic Preservation (AAHP)Dual DegreeMasterSchool of Architecture, Planning and PreservationCollege of Behavioral and Social SciencesProfessionalInternship or Clinical Experience
- Applied Counseling and Human Services (Z069)Certificate (non-degree)College of Education
- Applied Economics (off-campus) (ECAO)MasterCollege of Behavioral and Social SciencesOff-site12-Week-Term
- Applied Economics (off-campus) (MPEC)MasterCollege of Behavioral and Social SciencesOff-siteProfessional
- Applied Economics (on-campus) (ECAM)MasterCollege of Behavioral and Social SciencesProfessional
- Applied Economics (on-campus) (MPEM)MasterCollege of Behavioral and Social SciencesProfessional
- Applied Economics (online) (ECAE)MasterCollege of Behavioral and Social SciencesProfessionalFully online
- Applied Entomology (MPAE)MasterCollege of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural SciencesProfessionalFully online12-Week-Term
- Applied Epidemiology (online) (Z152)Certificate (non-degree)School of Public HealthFully online
- Applied Machine Learning (online) (SAMO)MasterCollege of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural SciencesResearchFully online
- Applied Machine Learning (SAML)MasterCollege of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural SciencesResearch
- Applied Mathematics & Statistics, and Scientific Computation (AMSC)DoctoralMasterCollege of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural SciencesResearch
- Applied Political Analytics (APAN)MasterCollege of Behavioral and Social SciencesProfessional
- Architecture (ARCH)MasterSchool of Architecture, Planning and PreservationResearchProfessional
- Architecture and Community Planning (ARCP)Dual DegreeMasterSchool of Architecture, Planning and PreservationProfessionalInternship or Clinical Experience
- Architecture and Historic Preservation (ARHP)Dual DegreeMasterSchool of Architecture, Planning and PreservationProfessional
- Architecture and Real Estate Development (ARDV)Dual DegreeMasterSchool of Architecture, Planning and PreservationProfessional
- Art History and Archaeology (ARTH)DoctoralMasterCollege of Arts and HumanitiesResearch
- Art Studio (ARTT)MasterCollege of Arts and HumanitiesResearch
- Arts Entrepreneurship (Z166)College of Arts and HumanitiesCertificate (non-degree)
- Astronomy (ASTR)DoctoralMasterCollege of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural SciencesResearch
- Atmospheric & Oceanic Science (Z046)Certificate (non-degree)College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences
- Atmospheric and Oceanic Science (AOSC)DoctoralMasterCollege of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural SciencesResearch
- Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Technology (MPAO)MasterCollege of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural SciencesProfessional
- Beekeeping (Z088)Certificate (non-degree)College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural SciencesFully online
- Behavioral and Community Health (BCHL)DoctoralSchool of Public HealthResearch
- Behavioral and Community Health (MBCH)MasterSchool of Public HealthProfessionalMaster of Public Health
- Behavioral and Community Health (online) (MBCO)MasterSchool of Public HealthFully onlineMaster of Public Health
- Bilingual Speech-Language Pathology (Z125)Certificate (non-degree)College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
- Bilingual Speech-Language Pathology for Practitioners (online) (Z167)Certificate (non-degree)College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
- Bilingual Speech-Language Pathology for Practitioners (Z141)Certificate (non-degree)College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
- Biochemistry (BCHM)DoctoralMasterCollege of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural SciencesResearch
- Bioengineering (BIOE)DoctoralMasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringResearch
- Bioengineering (online) (MEBI)MasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessionalFully online
- Bioengineering (online) (Z083)Certificate (non-degree)A. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessionalFully online
- Bioengineering (PMBI)MasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessional
- Bioengineering (Z054)Certificate (non-degree)A. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessional
- Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (MPBC)MasterCollege of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural SciencesProfessional
- Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (online) (SABO)MasterCollege of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural SciencesResearchFully online
- Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (SABI)MasterCollege of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural SciencesResearch
- Biological Resources Engineering (ENBE)DoctoralMasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringResearch
- Biological Sciences (BISI)DoctoralMasterCollege of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural SciencesResearch
- Biophysics (BIPH)DoctoralMasterCollege of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural SciencesResearch
- Biostatistics (BIOS)MasterSchool of Public HealthProfessionalMaster of Public Health
- Business Administration (BDBA)DoctoralThe Robert H. Smith School of Business
- Business Administration (BMBA)MasterThe Robert H. Smith School of BusinessProfessional
- Business Administration (online) (OMBA)MasterThe Robert H. Smith School of BusinessProfessionalFully online
- Business Administration and Accounting (BAAC)Dual DegreeMasterThe Robert H. Smith School of BusinessProfessional
- Business Administration and Business Analytics (BABA)MasterThe Robert H. Smith School of BusinessProfessional
- Business Administration and Finance (BAFN)Dual DegreeMasterThe Robert H. Smith School of BusinessProfessional
- Business Administration and Information Systems (BAIS)Dual DegreeMasterThe Robert H. Smith School of BusinessProfessional
- Business Administration and Marketing Analytics (BAMA)Dual DegreeMasterThe Robert H. Smith School of BusinessProfessional
- Business Administration and Medicine (BMED)DoctoralDual DegreeMasterThe Robert H. Smith School of BusinessProfessional
- Business Administration and Nursing (BNRS)Dual DegreeThe Robert H. Smith School of BusinessOff-siteResearchProfessional
- Business Administration and Pharmacy (BPHR)DoctoralDual DegreeMasterThe Robert H. Smith School of BusinessOff-siteProfessional
- Business Administration and Public Policy (BMPO)Dual DegreeMasterThe Robert H. Smith School of BusinessSchool of Public PolicyProfessional
- Business Administration and Real Estate Development (MBRE)Dual DegreeMasterSchool of Architecture, Planning and PreservationThe Robert H. Smith School of BusinessProfessional
- Business Administration and Social Work (BMSW)Dual DegreeMasterThe Robert H. Smith School of BusinessOff-siteProfessional
- Business Administration and Supply Chain Management (BASC)Dual DegreeMasterThe Robert H. Smith School of BusinessProfessional
- Business Administration, Executive (CMBA)MasterThe Robert H. Smith School of BusinessProfessional
- Business Administration, Executive (EMBA)MasterThe Robert H. Smith School of BusinessProfessional
- Business Analytics (BMAN)MasterThe Robert H. Smith School of BusinessProfessional
- Business Analytics (online) (OMAN)MasterThe Robert H. Smith School of BusinessProfessionalFully online
- Business and Management (BPHD)DoctoralThe Robert H. Smith School of BusinessResearch
- Business Management and Law (LMBA)Dual DegreeMasterThe Robert H. Smith School of BusinessOff-siteProfessional
- Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (PMCH)MasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessional
- Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (Z055)Certificate (non-degree)A. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessional
- Chemical and Life Sciences (CLFS)MasterCollege of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural SciencesProfessionalFully online12-Week-Term
- Chemical Engineering (ENCH)DoctoralMasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringResearch
- Chemical Physics (CHPH)DoctoralMasterCollege of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural SciencesResearch
- Chemistry (CHEM)DoctoralMasterCollege of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural SciencesResearch
- Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENCE)DoctoralMasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringResearch
- Civil and Environmental Engineering (PMCE)MasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessional
- Civil and Environmental Engineering (Z056)Certificate (non-degree)A. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessional
- Classics (CLAS)MasterCollege of Arts and HumanitiesResearch
- Climate Policy and Action (online) (Z164)Certificate (non-degree)School of Public PolicyFully online
- Climate Policy and Action (Z163)Certificate (non-degree)School of Public Policy
- Clinical Audiology (CAUD)DoctoralDual DegreeCollege of Behavioral and Social SciencesResearchProfessionalInternship or Clinical Experience
- Clinical Psychological Science (MPPS)MasterCollege of Behavioral and Social SciencesProfessional12-Week-Term
- Cloud Engineering (online) (MECL)MasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessionalFully online
- Cloud Engineering (online) (Z169)Certificate (non-degree)A. James Clark School of EngineeringFully online
- Cloud Engineering (PMCL)MasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessional
- Cloud Engineering (Z168)Certificate (non-degree)A. James Clark School of Engineering
- Communication (COMM)DoctoralMasterCollege of Arts and HumanitiesResearch
- Communication Management (Z045)College of Arts and HumanitiesCertificate (non-degree)
- Community Counseling (COCM)DoctoralMasterCollege of EducationResearch
- Community Planning (CMPL)MasterSchool of Architecture, Planning and PreservationProfessionalInternship or Clinical Experience
- Community Planning and Behavioral/Community Health (CPMB)Dual DegreeMasterSchool of Architecture, Planning and PreservationSchool of Public HealthProfessionalInternship or Clinical ExperienceMaster of Public Health
- Community Planning and Biostatistics (CPBI)Dual DegreeMasterSchool of Architecture, Planning and PreservationSchool of Public HealthProfessionalInternship or Clinical ExperienceMaster of Public Health
- Community Planning and Environmental Health Sciences (CPMI)Dual DegreeMasterSchool of Architecture, Planning and PreservationSchool of Public HealthProfessionalInternship or Clinical ExperienceMaster of Public Health
- Community Planning and Epidemiology (CPEP)Dual DegreeMasterSchool of Architecture, Planning and PreservationSchool of Public HealthProfessionalInternship or Clinical ExperienceMaster of Public Health
- Community Planning and Health Administration (CPHA)Dual DegreeMasterSchool of Architecture, Planning and PreservationSchool of Public HealthProfessionalInternship or Clinical Experience
- Community Planning and Health Equity (CPHL)Dual DegreeMasterSchool of Architecture, Planning and PreservationSchool of Public HealthProfessionalInternship or Clinical ExperienceMaster of Public Health
- Community Planning and Health Policy Analysis and Evaluation (CPAE)Dual DegreeMasterSchool of Architecture, Planning and PreservationSchool of Public HealthProfessionalInternship or Clinical ExperienceMaster of Public Health
- Community Planning and Historic Preservation (CPHP)Dual DegreeMasterSchool of Architecture, Planning and PreservationProfessionalInternship or Clinical Experience
- Community Planning and Information Management (CPIM)Dual DegreeMasterSchool of Architecture, Planning and PreservationCollege of Information, INFO CollegeProfessionalInternship or Clinical Experience
- Community Planning and Law (LCPL)Dual DegreeMasterSchool of Architecture, Planning and PreservationOff-siteProfessionalInternship or Clinical Experience
- Community Planning and Physical Activity (CPPH)Dual DegreeMasterSchool of Architecture, Planning and PreservationSchool of Public HealthProfessionalInternship or Clinical ExperienceMaster of Public Health
- Community Planning and Public Health Practice and Policy (CPPP)Dual DegreeMasterSchool of Architecture, Planning and PreservationSchool of Public HealthProfessionalInternship or Clinical ExperienceMaster of Public Health
- Community Planning and Real Estate Development (CPDV)Dual DegreeMasterSchool of Architecture, Planning and PreservationInternship or Clinical Experience
- Comparative Biomedical Sciences (VMSC)DoctoralMasterCollege of Agriculture and Natural ResourcesResearch
- Comparative Literature (CMLT)DoctoralCollege of Arts and HumanitiesResearch
- Computation and Mathematics for Biological Networks (Z132)Certificate (non-degree)College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences
- Computational Harmonic Analysis (Z023)Certificate (non-degree)College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences
- Computational Methods in Atmospheric & Oceanic Science (Z048)Certificate (non-degree)College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences
- Computer Networking (Z117)Certificate (non-degree)A. James Clark School of Engineering
- Computer Science (CMSC)DoctoralMasterCollege of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural SciencesResearch
- Computing Systems (Z118)Certificate (non-degree)A. James Clark School of Engineering
- Consecutive Interpreting (Z080)College of Arts and HumanitiesCertificate (non-degree)
- Counseling & Personnel Services (Z901)Certificate (non-degree)College of Education
- Counseling Psychology (COCP)DoctoralMasterCollege of EducationResearchInternship or Clinical Experience
- Couple and Family Therapy (FCFT)MasterSchool of Public HealthResearchInternship or Clinical Experience
- Creative Writing (CRWR)MasterCollege of Arts and HumanitiesResearch
- Criminal Justice Administration (online) (Z130)Certificate (non-degree)College of Behavioral and Social SciencesFully online
- Criminology and Criminal Justice (CJCH)MasterCollege of Behavioral and Social SciencesProfessional
- Criminology and Criminal Justice (CRIM)DoctoralMasterCollege of Behavioral and Social SciencesResearch
- Critical Theory (Z017)College of Arts and HumanitiesCertificate (non-degree)
- Cultural and Heritage Resource Management (online) (MPCH)MasterCollege of Behavioral and Social SciencesProfessionalFully online12-Week-Term
- Cultural and Heritage Resource Management (Z121)Certificate (non-degree)College of Behavioral and Social SciencesFully online
- Curation and Management of Digital Assets (online) (Z093)Certificate (non-degree)College of Information, INFO College
- Curriculum and Instruction (EDCI)MasterCollege of EducationResearchProfessional
- Cybersecurity Engineering (online) (MECY)MasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessionalFully online
- Cybersecurity Engineering (online) (Z092)Certificate (non-degree)A. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessionalFully online
- Cybersecurity Engineering (PMCY)MasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessional
- Cybersecurity Engineering (Z073)Certificate (non-degree)A. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessional
- Cybersecurity Leadership (Z077)Certificate (non-degree)The Robert H. Smith School of Business
- Dance (DANC)MasterCollege of Arts and HumanitiesResearch
- Data Journalism (online) (MPDJ)MasterThe Philip Merrill College of JournalismProfessionalFully online
- Data Science (online) (SADO)MasterCollege of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural SciencesResearchFully online
- Data Science (online) (Z136)Certificate (non-degree)College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural SciencesFully online
- Data Science (SADS)MasterCollege of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural SciencesResearch
- Data Science (Z104)Certificate (non-degree)College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences
- Data Science and Analytics (MPDA)MasterCollege of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural SciencesProfessional
- Data Science and Analytics (online) (MPDO)MasterCollege of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural SciencesFully online
- Digital Studies (Z110)College of Arts and HumanitiesCertificate (non-degree)
- Dual Language Education (online, Z150)Certificate (non-degree)College of EducationFully online
- Dual Language Education (Z149)Certificate (non-degree)College of Education
- Ecological Economics (Z009)Certificate (non-degree)College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences
- Economic Analysis (off-campus) (Z074)Certificate (non-degree)College of Behavioral and Social SciencesOff-site
- Economic Analysis (on-campus) (Z098)Certificate (non-degree)College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
- Economics (ECON)DoctoralMasterCollege of Behavioral and Social SciencesResearch
- Ecosystems Restoration (Z041)Certificate (non-degree)College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences
- Electrical and Computer Engineering (ENEE)DoctoralMasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringResearch
- Electrical and Computer Engineering (PMEE)MasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessional
- Electrical and Computer Engineering (Z057)Certificate (non-degree)A. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessional
- Elementary & Middle School Science Education (Z051)Certificate (non-degree)College of Education
- Embedded Systems (online) (MEEM)MasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessionalFully online
- Embedded Systems (online) (Z162)Certificate (non-degree)A. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessionalFully online
- Embedded Systems (PMEM)MasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessional
- Embedded Systems (Z161)Certificate (non-degree)A. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessional
- Energy Systems Engineering (online) (MEEE)MasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessionalFully online
- Energy Systems Engineering (online) (Z082)Certificate (non-degree)A. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessionalFully online
- Energy Systems Engineering (PMSU)MasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessional
- Energy Systems Engineering (Z066)Certificate (non-degree)A. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessional
- Engineering and Public Policy (MEPP)MasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringSchool of Public PolicyProfessional
- English Language and Literature (ENGL)DoctoralMasterCollege of Arts and HumanitiesResearch
- Entomology (ENTM)DoctoralMasterCollege of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural SciencesResearch
- Environmental Engineering (PMEN)MasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessional
- Environmental Engineering (Z058)Certificate (non-degree)A. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessional
- Environmental Health Sciences (ENVH)DoctoralMasterSchool of Public HealthResearch
- Environmental Health Sciences (MIEH)MasterSchool of Public HealthProfessionalMaster of Public Health
- Environmental Policy (EPOL)Certificate (non-degree)School of Public Policy
- Environmental Policy (Z008)Certificate (non-degree)School of Public Policy
- Environmental Science and Technology (ENST)DoctoralMasterCollege of Agriculture and Natural ResourcesResearch
- Epidemiology (EPDM)MasterSchool of Public HealthProfessionalMaster of Public Health
- Epidemiology (EPID)DoctoralSchool of Public HealthResearch
- Ethnomusicology (MUET)DoctoralMasterCollege of Arts and HumanitiesResearch
- Extension Education (AEED)MasterCollege of Agriculture and Natural ResourcesResearch
- Family Science (FMSC)DoctoralMasterSchool of Public HealthResearchInternship or Clinical Experience
- Finance (BMFN)MasterThe Robert H. Smith School of BusinessProfessional
- Finance (online) (OMFN)MasterThe Robert H. Smith School of BusinessFully online
- Financial Risk Management (Z122)Certificate (non-degree)The Robert H. Smith School of Business
- Fire Protection Engineering (ENFP)MasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringResearch
- Fire Protection Engineering (online) (ENGF)MasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessionalFully online
- Fire Protection Engineering (online) (Z049)Certificate (non-degree)A. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessionalFully online
- Fire Protection Engineering (PMFP)MasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessional
- Fire Protection Engineering (Z059)Certificate (non-degree)A. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessional
- Food Safety Risk Assessment (Z027)Certificate (non-degree)College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
- French Language and Literature (FRIT)MasterCollege of Arts and HumanitiesResearch
- Fundamentals of Survey and Data Science (online) (Z129)Certificate (non-degree)College of Behavioral and Social SciencesFully online
- Fundamentals of Survey Methodology (online) (Z127)Certificate (non-degree)College of Behavioral and Social SciencesFully online
- Fundamentals of Survey Methodology (Z011)
- Fundamentals of Survey Statistics (online) (Z133)Certificate (non-degree)College of Behavioral and Social SciencesFully online
- Game, Entertainment, and Media Analytics (online) (MPGA)MasterCollege of Information, INFO CollegeProfessionalFully online
- Geographical Sciences (GEOG)DoctoralMasterCollege of Behavioral and Social SciencesResearch
- Geology (GEOL)DoctoralMasterCollege of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural SciencesResearch
- Geospatial Information Sciences (GEIC)MasterCollege of Behavioral and Social Sciences
- Geospatial Information Sciences (GEIS)MasterCollege of Behavioral and Social Sciences
- Geospatial Information Sciences (online) (GISO)MasterCollege of Behavioral and Social SciencesFully online
- Geospatial Information Sciences (online) (Z134)Certificate (non-degree)College of Behavioral and Social SciencesFully online
- Geospatial Information Sciences (Z035)Certificate (non-degree)College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
- Geospatial Intelligence (GEIN)MasterCollege of Behavioral and Social Sciences
- Geospatial Intelligence (online) (GINO)MasterCollege of Behavioral and Social SciencesFully online12-Week-Term
- Geospatial Intelligence (online) (Z135)Certificate (non-degree)College of Behavioral and Social SciencesFully online
- Geospatial Intelligence (Z109)Certificate (non-degree)College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
- German Studies (GERS)DoctoralMasterCollege of Arts and HumanitiesResearch
- Gerontology (doctoral level) (Z101)Certificate (non-degree)School of Public Health
- Gerontology (master's level) (Z100)Certificate (non-degree)School of Public Health
- Global Health (Z070)Certificate (non-degree)School of Public Health
- Government & The Private Economy (Z002)Certificate (non-degree)School of Public Policy
- Government and Politics (GVPT)DoctoralMasterCollege of Behavioral and Social SciencesResearch
- Health Administration (HLSA)MasterSchool of Public HealthProfessional
- Health Administration (online) (HLSO)MasterSchool of Public HealthFully online
- Health Administration (online) and Doctor of Medicine (HMED)DoctoralDual DegreeMasterSchool of Public HealthOff-siteMaster of Public Health
- Health Care Management (HLCM)MasterSchool of Public HealthMaster of Public Health
- Health Data Analysis (Z140)Certificate (non-degree)School of Public HealthFully online
- Health Equity (HLEQ)MasterSchool of Public HealthProfessionalMaster of Public Health
- Health Policy Analysis and Evaluation (HPAE)MasterSchool of Public HealthProfessionalMaster of Public Health
- Health Services Research (PHHS)DoctoralSchool of Public HealthResearch
- Hearing and Speech Sciences (HESM)MasterCollege of Behavioral and Social Sciences
- Hearing and Speech Sciences (HESP)DoctoralMasterCollege of Behavioral and Social SciencesResearchProfessional
- Hebrew Language Pedagogy (Z170)College of Arts and HumanitiesCertificate (non-degree)
- Higher Education (HIED)DoctoralMasterCollege of EducationResearch
- Historic Preservation (HISP)MasterSchool of Architecture, Planning and PreservationProfessional
- Historic Preservation (Z005)School of Architecture, Planning and PreservationCertificate (non-degree)
- Historic Preservation and American Studies (HPAM)Dual DegreeCollege of Arts and HumanitiesSchool of Architecture, Planning and PreservationProfessional
- Historic Preservation and Landscape Architecture (HPLA)Dual DegreeMasterSchool of Architecture, Planning and PreservationCollege of Agriculture and Natural ResourcesProfessional
- Historic Preservation and Real Estate Development (HPDV)Dual DegreeSchool of Architecture, Planning and PreservationProfessional
- History (HIST)DoctoralMasterCollege of Arts and HumanitiesResearch
- History and Historic Preservation (HIHP)Dual DegreeMasterCollege of Arts and HumanitiesSchool of Architecture, Planning and PreservationProfessional
- History and Library & Information Science (HILS)Dual DegreeCollege of Arts and HumanitiesCollege of Information, INFO CollegeResearchProfessional
- Housing, Finance & Development (Z007)Certificate (non-degree)School of Public Policy
- Human Development (EDHD)DoctoralMasterCollege of EducationResearch
- Human Development (online) (EDHO)MasterCollege of EducationResearchFully online
- Human Development Education (Z903)Certificate (non-degree)College of Education
- Human-Computer Interaction (HCIM)MasterCollege of Information, INFO CollegeResearch
- Hypersonics (Z165)Certificate (non-degree)A. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessional
- Industrial/Organizational Psychology (MPIO)MasterCollege of Behavioral and Social SciencesProfessional12-Week-Term
- Industrial/Organizational Psychology (online) (MPIV)MasterCollege of Behavioral and Social SciencesProfessionalFully online
- Information Assurance Management (Z026)Certificate (non-degree)School of Public Policy
- Information Management (INFM)MasterCollege of Information, INFO CollegeProfessional
- Information Management (online) (MIMO)MasterCollege of Information, INFO CollegeProfessionalFully online
- Information Risk, Privacy, and Security (Z139)Certificate (non-degree)College of Information, INFO CollegeFully online
- Information Studies (INFS)DoctoralCollege of Information, INFO CollegeResearch
- Information Systems (BMIS)MasterThe Robert H. Smith School of BusinessProfessional
- Information Systems (online) (OMIS)MasterThe Robert H. Smith School of BusinessFully online
- Insider Risk Management and Mitigation (online)Certificate (non-degree)College of Behavioral and Social SciencesFully online
- Integrated Pest Management (Z089)Certificate (non-degree)College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural SciencesFully online
- Integrated Technology in Education (Z126)Certificate (non-degree)College of Education
- Intelligence Analysis (Z021)Certificate (non-degree)School of Public Policy
- International Education Policy (HIEP)DoctoralMasterCollege of EducationResearch
- International Relations (MAIR)MasterCollege of Behavioral and Social Sciences
- Interpreting (MPIN)MasterCollege of Arts and HumanitiesProfessional
- Jewish Studies (JWST)MasterCollege of Arts and HumanitiesResearch
- Jewish Studies (Z018)College of Arts and HumanitiesCertificate (non-degree)
- Journalism (JOMJ)MasterThe Philip Merrill College of JournalismProfessional
- Journalism (JOUR)MasterThe Philip Merrill College of JournalismResearch
- Journalism Studies (JOST)DoctoralThe Philip Merrill College of JournalismResearch
- Justice Leadership (MPJL)MasterCollege of Behavioral and Social SciencesProfessional
- Kinesiology (KNES)DoctoralMasterSchool of Public HealthResearch
- Landscape Architecture (LARC)MasterCollege of Agriculture and Natural ResourcesProfessional
- Landscape Architecture and Community Planning (LACP)Dual DegreeMasterSchool of Architecture, Planning and PreservationCollege of Agriculture and Natural ResourcesProfessional
- Latin American and Caribbean Studies (Z148)College of Arts and HumanitiesCertificate (non-degree)
- Leadership Education & Development (MPLD)MasterCollege of EducationProfessional
- Leadership in Diverse Organizations (Z131)Certificate (non-degree)College of Behavioral and Social SciencesFully online
- Leading and Managing Healthcare Transformation (Z124)Certificate (non-degree)The Robert H. Smith School of Business
- Library and Information Science (LBSC)MasterCollege of Information, INFO CollegeProfessional
- Library and Information Science (online) (LBSO)MasterCollege of Information, INFO CollegeProfessionalFully online
- Linguistics (LING)DoctoralMasterCollege of Arts and HumanitiesResearch
- Literacy Coaching (Z038)Certificate (non-degree)College of Education
- Machine Learning (MPML)MasterCollege of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural SciencesProfessional
- Machine Learning (online) (MPMO)MasterCollege of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural SciencesFully online
- Management Studies (BMSB)MasterThe Robert H. Smith School of Business
- Management Studies (online) (OMBM)MasterThe Robert H. Smith School of BusinessFully online
- Marine, Estuarine, and Environmental Sciences (MEES)DoctoralMasterCollege of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural SciencesResearch
- Marketing Analytics (BMMA)MasterThe Robert H. Smith School of BusinessProfessional
- Marketing Analytics (online) (OMMA) MasterThe Robert H. Smith School of BusinessFully online
- Materials Science and Engineering (ENMA)DoctoralMasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringResearch
- Materials Science and Engineering (PMMS)MasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessional
- Materials Science and Engineering (Z060)Certificate (non-degree)A. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessional
- Maternal and Child Health (MCHS)DoctoralSchool of Public HealthResearchInternship or Clinical Experience
- Mathematical Statistics (STAT)DoctoralMasterCollege of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural SciencesResearch
- Mathematics (MATH)DoctoralMasterCollege of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural SciencesResearch
- Mathematics of Advanced Industrial Technology (MAIT)MasterCollege of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural SciencesProfessional
- Mathematics of Advanced Industrial Technology (Z022)Certificate (non-degree)College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences
- Mechanical Engineering (ENME)DoctoralMasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringResearch
- Mechanical Engineering (PMME)MasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessional
- Mechanical Engineering (Z061)Certificate (non-degree)A. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessional
- Methods of Public Analysis (Z001)Certificate (non-degree)School of Public Policy
- Modern French Studies (FRMS)DoctoralCollege of Arts and HumanitiesResearch
- Multimedia Journalism (Z071)Certificate (non-degree)The Philip Merrill College of Journalism
- Museum Scholarship & Material Culture (Z016)College of Arts and HumanitiesCertificate (non-degree)
- Music (MUSA)DoctoralMasterCollege of Arts and HumanitiesResearch
- Music Education (MUED)DoctoralMasterCollege of Arts and HumanitiesResearch
- Music: Performance and Composition (MUSC)DoctoralMasterCollege of Arts and HumanitiesResearch
- National Security Studies (Z003)Certificate (non-degree)School of Public Policy
- Networking Software Development (Z119)Certificate (non-degree)A. James Clark School of Engineering
- Neuroscience and Cognitive Science (NACS)DoctoralMasterCollege of Behavioral and Social Sciences
- Neuroscience and Cognitive Science (Z037)Certificate (non-degree)College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
- Nonprofit Management and Leadership (online) (Z159)Certificate (non-degree)School of Public PolicyFully online
- Nonprofit Management and Leadership (Z116)Certificate (non-degree)School of Public Policy
- Nutrition and Food Science (NUTR/FDSC)DoctoralMasterCollege of Agriculture and Natural ResourcesResearch
- Organic and Sustainable Agriculture (Z090)Certificate (non-degree)College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural SciencesFully online
- Performance (MFAP)MasterCollege of Arts and HumanitiesResearch
- Philosophy (PHIL)DoctoralMasterCollege of Arts and HumanitiesResearch
- Physical Activity (online) (PHAO)School of Public HealthFully onlineMaster of Public Health
- Physical Activity (PHAC)MasterSchool of Public HealthProfessionalMaster of Public Health
- Physics (PHYS)DoctoralMasterCollege of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural SciencesResearch
- Plant Science (PLSC)DoctoralMasterCollege of Agriculture and Natural ResourcesResearch
- Policy Studies (POSI)DoctoralSchool of Public PolicyResearch
- Population Studies (Z036)Certificate (non-degree)College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
- Product Management (online) (MPCI)MasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessionalFully online
- Program Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation (off-campus) (Z154)Certificate (non-degree)School of Public PolicyOff-site
- Program Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation (online) (Z147)Certificate (non-degree)School of Public PolicyFully online
- Program Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation (Z146)Certificate (non-degree)School of Public Policy
- Project Management (online) (MEPM)MasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessionalFully online
- Project Management (online) (Z040)Certificate (non-degree)A. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessionalFully online
- Project Management (PMPM)MasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessional
- Project Management (Z063)Certificate (non-degree)A. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessional
- Psychology (PSYC)DoctoralMasterCollege of Behavioral and Social SciencesResearch
- Public Administration (MPPA)MasterSchool of Public PolicyProfessional
- Public Financial Management (Z094)Certificate (non-degree)School of Public Policy
- Public Health Informatics (Z028)Certificate (non-degree)School of Public Health
- Public Health Practice and Policy (PHPP)MasterSchool of Public HealthProfessional
- Public Leadership and Management (online)(Z158)Certificate (non-degree)School of Public PolicyFully online
- Public Leadership and Management (Z004)Certificate (non-degree)School of Public Policy
- Public Management (Executive) (EXPM)MasterSchool of Public PolicyProfessional
- Public Management (Executive) (online) (EMPM)MasterSchool of Public PolicyFully online
- Public Management (MAMG)MasterSchool of Public PolicyProfessional
- Public Policy (MAPO)MasterSchool of Public PolicyProfessional
- Public Policy and Law (LMPO)MasterSchool of Public PolicyOff-siteProfessional
- Public Policy and Social Work (BSWP)Dual DegreeMasterSchool of Public PolicyOff-siteProfessional
- Public Policy and Sustainable Development & Conservation Biology (PPCN)Dual DegreeMasterCollege of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural SciencesSchool of Public PolicyResearchProfessional
- Public Safety Leadership and Administration (MPLA)MasterCollege of Behavioral and Social SciencesOff-siteProfessionalFully online
- Public Sector Finance & Acquisition (Z033)Certificate (non-degree)School of Public Policy
- Public Sector Finance and Acquisition (online) (Z160)Certificate (non-degree)School of Public Policy
- Quantitative Finance (BMQF)MasterThe Robert H. Smith School of BusinessProfessional
- Quantitative Finance (online) (OMQF)MasterThe Robert H. Smith School of BusinessFully online
- Quantitative Methodology: Measurement and Statistics (QMMS)DoctoralMasterCollege of EducationResearch
- Quantitative Methodology: Measurement and Statistics (Z019)Certificate (non-degree)College of Education
- Quantitative Methodology: Measurement and Statistics (Z904)Certificate (non-degree)College of Education
- Quantum Computing (MPQC)MasterCollege of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences
- Quantum Computing, Post-Baccalaureate Certificate (P.B.C.)
- Radar Signal Processing (Z031)Certificate (non-degree)College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences
- Real Estate Development (MPRE)MasterSchool of Architecture, Planning and PreservationProfessional
- Real Estate Development (RDEV)MasterSchool of Architecture, Planning and PreservationProfessional
- Real Estate Development (Z029)School of Architecture, Planning and PreservationCertificate (non-degree)
- Reliability Engineering (ENRE)DoctoralMasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringResearch
- Reliability Engineering (online) (MERE)MasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessionalFully online
- Reliability Engineering (online) (Z042)Certificate (non-degree)A. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessionalFully online
- Reliability Engineering (PMRE)MasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessional
- Reliability Engineering (Z064)Certificate (non-degree)A. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessional
- Remote Sensing (Z151)Certificate (non-degree)College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
- Robotics Engineering (online) (MERO)MasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessionalFully online
- Robotics Engineering (online) (Z153)Certificate (non-degree)A. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessionalFully online
- Robotics Engineering (PMRO)MasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessional
- Robotics Engineering (Z084)Certificate (non-degree)A. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessional
- School Counseling (COSC)MasterCollege of EducationProfessional
- School Improvement Leadership (Z052)Certificate (non-degree)College of Education
- School Improvement Leadership (Z138) (online)Certificate (non-degree)College of EducationFully online
- School Librarianship (Z114)Certificate (non-degree)College of Information, INFO College
- School Psychology (COSP)DoctoralMasterCollege of EducationResearchInternship or Clinical Experience
- School System Leadership (EDUC)DoctoralCollege of EducationProfessionalInternship or Clinical Experience
- Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy (online) (Z156)Certificate (non-degree)School of Public PolicyFully online
- Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy (Z155)Certificate (non-degree)School of Public Policy
- Scientific Computation (Z014)Certificate (non-degree)College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences
- Second Language Acquisition (SLMA)MasterCollege of Arts and HumanitiesResearch
- Second Language Acquisition (SLPH)DoctoralCollege of Arts and HumanitiesResearch
- Second Language Acquisition (Z081)College of Arts and HumanitiesCertificate (non-degree)
- Security and Terrorism Studies (online) (MPTS)MasterCollege of Behavioral and Social SciencesProfessionalFully online
- Sociology (SOCY)DoctoralMasterCollege of Behavioral and Social SciencesResearch
- Software Engineering (online) (MESW)MasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessionalFully online
- Software Engineering (online) (Z144)Certificate (non-degree)A. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessionalFully online
- Software Engineering (PMES)MasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessional
- Software Engineering (Z065)Certificate (non-degree)A. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessional
- Spanish Language and Literature (SPAP)DoctoralMasterCollege of Arts and HumanitiesResearch
- Special Education (EDSP)DoctoralMasterCollege of EducationResearchProfessionalInternship or Clinical Experience
- Special Education (online) (SPOL)MasterCollege of EducationFully online
- Special Education (Z905)Certificate (non-degree)College of Education
- Special Education for General Education Teachers in Inclusive Classrooms (Z123)Certificate (non-degree)College of EducationFully online
- Speech Language Pathology (SPLA)MasterCollege of Behavioral and Social SciencesResearch
- Student Affairs (HISA)DoctoralMasterCollege of EducationResearch
- Supply Chain Management (BMSC)MasterThe Robert H. Smith School of BusinessProfessional
- Supply Chain Management (online) (OMSC)MasterThe Robert H. Smith School of BusinessFully online
- Supporting Children with Intensive Behavior Needs (Z137)Certificate (non-degree)College of Education
- Supporting Immigrant Students for Professional School Counselors (Z171)Certificate (non-degree)College of Education
- Survey and Data Science (online) (MPDS)College of Behavioral and Social SciencesProfessionalFully online
- Survey and Data Science (SUDS)MasterCollege of Behavioral and Social Sciences
- Survey and Data Science (SURV)DoctoralMasterCollege of Behavioral and Social SciencesResearch
- Sustainable Development and Conservation Biology (CONS)MasterCollege of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural SciencesResearch
- Systems Engineering (ENSE)MasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringResearch
- Systems Engineering (online) (MESE)MasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessionalFully online
- Systems Engineering (online) (Z143)Certificate (non-degree)A. James Clark School of EngineeringFully online
- Systems Engineering (PMSE)MasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessional
- Systems Engineering (Z067)Certificate (non-degree)A. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessional
- Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership (EDTL)MasterCollege of EducationResearch
- Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership (TLPL)DoctoralCollege of EducationResearch
- Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership (Z902)Certificate (non-degree)College of Education
- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (online) (Z128)
- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (Z099)Certificate (non-degree)College of Education
- Technology Management (Z145)Certificate (non-degree)The Robert H. Smith School of BusinessOff-site
- Technology Ventures and Innovation (Z068)Certificate (non-degree)A. James Clark School of Engineering
- Technology, Entrepreneurship and Corporate Innovation (MPTE)MasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringProfessionalFully online
- Telecommunications (ENTS)MasterA. James Clark School of EngineeringResearch
- Terrorism Analysis (Z039)Certificate (non-degree)College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
- Theatre and Performance Studies (THPF)DoctoralMasterCollege of Arts and HumanitiesResearch
- Theatre Design (MFAT)MasterCollege of Arts and HumanitiesResearch
- Translation (MPTR)MasterCollege of Arts and HumanitiesProfessional
- Translation (Z079)College of Arts and HumanitiesCertificate (non-degree)
- Transportation Policy and Planning (Z030)School of Architecture, Planning and PreservationCertificate (non-degree)
- Urban Agriculture (Z091)Certificate (non-degree)College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural SciencesFully online
- Urban and Regional Planning and Design (URPD)DoctoralSchool of Architecture, Planning and PreservationResearch
- Urban Design (Z012)School of Architecture, Planning and PreservationCertificate (non-degree)
- Veterinary Medicine (VMED)DoctoralCollege of Agriculture and Natural ResourcesProfessional
- Wireless Communications (Z120)Certificate (non-degree)A. James Clark School of Engineering
- Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (WMST)DoctoralMasterCollege of Arts and HumanitiesResearch
- Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (Z006)College of Arts and HumanitiesCertificate (non-degree)
- World Languages Education (Z095)Certificate (non-degree)College of Education
- Youth Experience (Z113)Certificate (non-degree)College of Information, INFO College