CBMG - Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics
CBMG613 Microbiomes in Health, Disease, and Application (2 Credits)
Investigation of microbiomes in human and animal health, disease, and industrial applications, with an emphasis on underlying functional mechanisms. No prior programming experience required.
CBMG626 Quantitative Modeling for Experimental Biologists (2 Credits)
A toolkit for understanding processes through the generation of useful models constrained by data. Topics explored include Simulations, Information Theory, Dynamical Systems, and Control Theory.
Prerequisite: BIOL705; or permission of the instructor .
Recommended: Some familiarity with programming (NetLogo, R and/or Python) is helpful.
CBMG688 Special Topics in Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics (1-4 Credits)
Presentation and discussion of fundamental problems and special subjects in the topics of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics.
Formerly: MICB688.
CBMG699 Special Problems in Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics (1-3 Credits)
Emphasis is placed on research and discussion of current problems in the area of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics.
Repeatable to: 10 credits if content differs.
Formerly: PBIO699.
CBMG789 Seminar in Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics (2 Credits)
Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics Department Seminar.
Repeatable to: 4 credits if content differs.
Formerly: MICB789.
CBMG799 Masters Thesis Research (1-6 Credits)
Master's Thesis Research in Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics.
CBMG898 Pre-Candidacy Research (1-8 Credits)
Pre-candidacy Research.
CBMG899 Doctoral Dissertation Research (1-8 Credits)
Doctoral Dissertation Research.