ENSP - Environmental Science and Policy
ENSP400 Capstone in Environmental Science and Policy (3 Credits)
Integration of physical, biological, and social sciences with applications to environmental science and policy. Problem-solving and multi-disciplinary case study evaluations pertinent to contemporary and future issues related to the environment.
Prerequisite: ENSP101; and ENSP102.
Restriction: Must be in Environmental Science and Policy program; and senior standing; and permission of the Environmental Science and Policy Program.
ENSP489 Special Topics in Environmental Science and Policy (1-3 Credits)
A lecture and or laboratory series organized to study a selected phase of Environmental Science and Policy not covered by existing courses. Credit according to time scheduled and organization of the course.
Repeatable to: 6 credits if content differs.
ENSP499 Honors Thesis Research (1-6 Credits)
Individual research, thesis, and oral defense. The research project will be conducted under the supervision of a faculty member.
Restriction: Must be in the ENSP Honors program; and permission of AGNR-Dean-Environmental Science & Policy Program.
Repeatable to: 6 credits.
ENSP699 Special Topics in Environmental Science and Policy (1-6 Credits)
Independent study course.
Prerequisite: Permission of AGNR-Dean-Environmental Science & Policy Program.
Restriction: Permission of instructor; and permission of AGNR-Dean-Environmental Science & Policy Program.
Repeatable to: 6 credits.