Course Listing
- AASP - African American Studies
- AAST - Asian American Studies
- AGNR - Agriculture and Natural Resources
- AGST - Agricultural Science and Technology
- AMSC - Applied Mathematics & Scientific Computation
- AMST - American Studies
- ANSC - Animal Science
- ANTH - Anthropology
- AOSC - Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
- ARAB - Arabic
- ARCH - Architecture
- AREC - Agricultural and Resource Economics
- ARHU - Arts and Humanities
- ARMY - Army
- ARSC - Air Science
- ARTH - Art History & Archaeology
- ARTT - Art Studio
- ASTR - Astronomy
- BCHM - Biochemistry
- BEES - Behavior, Ecology, Evolution and Systematics
- BERC - Center for Study of Business, Ethics, Regulation, Crime
- BIOE - Bioengineering
- BIOL - Biology
- BIOM - Biometrics
- BIPH - Biophysics
- BISI - Biological Sciences
- BMGT - Business and Management
- BMSO - Online Business MS Programs
- BSCI - Biological Sciences Program
- BSOS - Behavioral and Social Sciences
- BSST - Terrorism Studies
- BUAC - Accounting and Information Assurance
- BUDT - Decision and Information Technologies
- BUFN - Finance
- BULM - Logistics, Business, and Public Policy
- BUMK - Marketing
- BUMO - Management and Organization
- BUSI - Part-Time MBA Program
- BUSM - Full-Time MBA Program
- BUSO - Online MBA Programs
- CBMG - Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics
- CCJS - Criminology and Criminal Justice
- CHBE - Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
- CHEM - Chemistry
- CHIN - Chinese
- CHPH - Chemical Physics
- CLAS - Classics
- CLFS - Chemical and Life Sciences
- CMLT - Comparative Literature
- CMSC - Computer Science
- COMM - Communication
- CONS - Sustainable Development & Conservation Biology
- ECON - Economics
- EDCI - Curriculum and Instruction
- EDCP - Education Counseling and Personnel Services
- EDHD - Education, Human Development
- EDHI - Education Leadership, Higher Ed and International Ed
- EDMS - Measurement, Statistics, and Evaluation
- EDPS - Education Policy Studies
- EDSP - Education, Special
- EDUC - Education
- EMBA - Executive MBA Program
- ENAE - Engineering, Aerospace
- ENCE - Engineering, Civil
- ENCH - Engineering, Chemical
- ENEE - Electrical & Computer Engineering
- ENES - Engineering Science
- ENFP - Engineering, Fire Protection
- ENGL - English
- ENMA - Engineering, Materials
- ENME - Engineering, Mechanical
- ENNU - Engineering, Nuclear
- ENPM - Engineering, Professional Masters
- ENPP - Engineering and Public Policy
- ENRE - Reliability Engineering
- ENSE - Systems Engineering
- ENSP - Environmental Science and Policy
- ENST - Environmental Science and Technology
- ENTM - Entomology
- ENTS - Telecommunications
- EPIB - Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- GEOG - Geographical Sciences
- GEOL - Geology
- GERM - Germanic Studies
- GREK - Greek
- GVPT - Government and Politics
- HACS - ACES-Cybersecurity
- HEBR - Hebrew
- HESI - Higher Ed, Student Affairs, and International Ed Policy
- HESP - Hearing and Speech Sciences
- HISP - Historic Preservation
- HIST - History
- HLHP - Health and Human Performance
- HLMN - Hillman Entrepreneurs Program
- HLSA - Health Services Administration
- HLTH - Health
- IMMR - Immigration Studies
- INFM - Information Management
- INST - Information Studies
- ISRL - Israel Studies
- ITAL - Italian
- LARC - Landscape Architecture
- LASC - Certificate in Latin American Studies
- LATN - Latin
- LBSC - Library Science
- LGBT - Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Studies
- LING - Linguistics
- MAIT - Masters in the Mathematics of Advanced Industrial Tech
- MATH - Mathematics
- MEES - Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences
- MIEH - Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health
- MITH - Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities
- MLAW - MPower Undergraduate Law Programs
- MOCB - Molecular and Cell Biology
- MSML - Machine Learning
- MUED - Music Education
- MUSC - School of Music
- MUSP - Music Performance
- PERS - Persian
- PHIL - Philosophy
- PHSC - Public Health Science
- PHYS - Physics
- PLCY - Public Policy
- PLSC - Plant Sciences
- PORT - Portuguese
- PSYC - Psychology
- PUAF - Public Policy
- SLAA - Second Language Acquisition and Application
- SLLC - School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
- SOCY - Sociology
- SPAN - Spanish
- SPHL - Public Health
- STAT - Statistics and Probability
- SURV - Survey Methodology
- TDPS - Theatre, Dance and Performance Studies
- THET - Theatre
- TLPL - Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership
- TLTC - Teaching and Learning Transformation Center
- TOXI - Toxicology
- UMEI - Maryland English Institute
- UNIV - University Courses
- URSP - Urban Studies and Planning
- USLT - Latina/o Studies