The Graduate School and The Graduate Council
The University of Maryland Board of Regents mandates that a Graduate Faculty and a Graduate Council provide the organization by which the Graduate Faculty discharge its responsibilities for graduate education. The Graduate Council, appointed by the Dean of the Graduate School, includes faculty representatives elected by the Graduate Faculty, and graduate students. The Graduate Council recommends to the Dean, the Provost and the President policies that affect all aspects of graduate education at the University. A list of the current Graduate Council members can be found on our Graduate School website.
The Graduate School, under the leadership of its Dean, establishes and oversees procedures to enact these policies and serves as an advocate for excellence in all aspects of graduate education.
The Graduate School, on behalf of its Dean, officially admits all students into graduate degree programs and acts as the conferring body for all graduate degrees.
In conjunction with the Graduate Council, the Graduate School:
- Administers all University policies that affect graduate education.
- Sets academic and admissions standards for graduate programs.
- Reviews applications for admission to the Graduate School for compliance with academic standards.
- Admits graduate students to all programs.
- Administers the processes for graduate students’ grievances
- Admits and oversees the academic progress of non-degree seeking students.
- Reviews and approves all new graduate programs.
- Allocates annual fellowship funding to the colleges, sets minimum stipend levels, and monitors the application and academic impact of awards.
- Recommends annual minimum stipend levels for fellowships and teaching and research assistantships.
- Sets policy for and awards tuition remission as a component of University fellowship awards, external fellowships, and training grants.
- Establishes qualifications for and approves membership in the Graduate Faculty.
- Establishes qualifications necessary for graduate faculty to serve on and to chair thesis and dissertation examining committees.
- Sets policy that governs the composition of the thesis and dissertation examining committees and the conduct of the examinations.
- By appointment of a Dean’s representative, oversees dissertation examinations to assure quality and uniformity of standards across academic units.
- Oversees the process of submitting approved dissertations and theses preservation of and access to the documents are the responsibilities of the University Library.
- Sets University-wide requirements for awarding graduate degrees.
- Recommends to the President that students who meet established requirements be awarded graduate degrees.
- Reviews and approves as appropriate requests for exceptions to University policies on graduate matters.
- Ensures that the University maintains official graduate student records are kept in the Office of the Registrar.
- Approves and oversees programs created by interdisciplinary Field Committees.
- Approves the programs for the Master’s degree and graduate certificate in Professional Studies.
- Prepares and disseminates an annual report on graduate education.
- Administers the General Research Board, the Creative and Performing Arts Awards, the Goldhaber Travel Grants, and other programs.
- Assumes leadership in the recruitment and retention of graduate students with special emphasis on students from under-represented groups.
- Provides orientation programs, advising, and other support services that contribute to the successful matriculation, retention, and graduation of a diverse population of graduate students .
- Supports the Graduate Student Government, graduate student groups, and the Office of Graduate Student Life.
The policies and procedures that are found in this document have been approved by the Graduate Council, the Dean of the Graduate School, the Provost, and the President.