BIPH - Biophysics
BIPH698 Biophysics Seminar (1 Credit)
BIPH699 Research in Biophysics (2 Credits)
Supervised research in biophysics laboratories. Rotations through several laboratories prior to a choice of laboratory for a research assistantship.
Restriction: Must be in one of the following programs (Biophysics (Master's); Biophysics (Doctoral)).
Repeatable to: 8 credits if content differs.
BIPH704 Cell Biology from a Biophysical Perspective (3 Credits)
An approach to cell biology by focusing on mechanisms and unifying paradigms. It will not assume a great deal of factual biological knowledge, but will expect a background that prepares students to think quantitatively and mechanistically.
Recommended: BSCI330, PHYS121, and PHYS122.
Cross-listed with: BIOL704.
Jointly offered with: BSCI404.
Credit Only Granted for: BSCI404, BIOL704, BIOL708O, or BIPH704.
Formerly: BIOL708O.
BIPH799 Master's Thesis Research (1-6 Credits)
BIPH898 Pre-Candidacy Research (1-8 Credits)
BIPH899 Doctoral Dissertation Research (1-8 Credits)