BISI - Biological Sciences

BISI610 Introduction to Behavior, Evolution, Ecology, & Systematics (2 Credits)

This literature-based course serves as an intellectual orientation for new (i.e. first- and second-year) doctoral students in the Behavior, Evolution, Ecology, and Systematics (BEES) concentration area of the Biological Sciences (BISI) Graduate Program.

Restriction: Must be in the Behavior, Evolution, Ecology, and Systematics (BEES) concentration area of the Biological Sciences program; or permission of the instructor.

Credit Only Granted for: BEES608A, BIOL608D or BISI610.

Formerly: BEES608A.

BISI620 Bioinformatics and Genomics (2 Credits)

Provides an overview of some major topics and research areas bioinformatics and genomics, and includes material from basic foundations through advanced concepts.

Credit Only Granted for: CBMG688Y or BISI620.

Formerly: CBMG688Y.

BISI632 Genetics I: Gene Expression (2 Credits)

Molecular mechanisms of gene expression, with an emphasis on gene regulation in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems. Approximately 2/3 of the classes will be comprised of didactic lectures. The remaining portion of the course will consist of student-led experimental design sessions and a student-led proposal review panel.

Restriction: Must be in the Biological Sciences Graduate Program (BISI); or permission of instructor.

Credit Only Granted for: BISI632 or CBMG688F.

Formerly: CBMG688F.

BISI699 Special Problems in Biological Sciences (1-6 Credits)

Independent study with a specific faculty instructor from the Biological Sciences Program (BISI). Often involves original research in a laboratory or computational setting.

Restriction: Must be in one of the concentration areas of the Biological Sciences Graduate Program (BISI).

Repeatable to: 8 credits.

BISI701 Teaching & Professional Development in Biology (1 Credit)

Provides graduate students in the biological sciences with the foundational knowledge to become better teaching assistants and gives them an introduction into the skills and tools that they need to develop as professional scientists and educators.

Cross-listed with: ENTM701.

Credit Only Granted for: ENTM701, BISI688Z, CBMG688Z, or BIOL701.

Formerly: BISI688Z, CBMG688Z, BIOL701.

Additional Information: Priority enrollment will be given to students in the BISI Graduate Program.

BISI708 Advanced Topics in Biological Sciences (1-3 Credits)

Lectures, experimental courses, and other special instructions in various areas of biological sciences.

Repeatable to: 8 credits if content differs.

BISI712 Responsible Conduct of Research for Biologists (1 Credit)

An exploration of the ethical dimensions associated with the responsible conduct of scientific research focusing on providing students with practical insights into the existing norms and expectations of working scientists.

Credit Only Granted for: BISI712, BISI688B, or CBMG688B.

Formerly: BISI688B and CBMG688B.

BISI799 Master's Thesis Research (1-6 Credits)

Repeatable to: 99 credits.

BISI898 Pre-Candidacy Research (1-8 Credits)

Restriction: Must be in Biological Sciences (Doctoral) program.

BISI899 Doctoral Dissertation Research (1-8 Credits)