Community Planning and Biostatistics, Master of Community Planning and Master of Public Health (dual degree) (M.C.P. and M.P.H.)

72 credits required

Students complete both a capstone and internship. 

Course Title Credits
Community Planning core courses
URSP600Research Design and Application3
URSP601Research Methods3
URSP603Land Use Planning: Concepts and Techniques3
URSP604The Planning Process3
URSP605Planning History and Theory3
URSP606Planning Economics3
URSP673Community Development3
URSP688Recent Developments in Urban Studies (URSP688L - Planning Technology)3
Master of Public Health core
SPHL601Core Concepts in Public Health1
SPHL610Program and Policy Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation5
SPHL611Public Health Ethics1
SPHL620Leadership, Teams, and Coalitions: Policy to Advocacy2
EPIB610Foundations of Epidemiology3
EPIB650Biostatistics I3
MPH concentration courses15
Electives chosen with advisor9
Capstone and Internship
EPIB778Practical Experience in Public Health3
URSP708Community Planning Studio6
Total Credits72