Health Administration, Master of Health Administration (M.H.A.)

Non-thesis option: 45 credits  
Thesis option: 45 credits

Students completing the thesis option will replace their 3-credit capstone (HLSA786) with a 6-credit thesis experience (HLSA799). Three credits of the HLSA799 will then replace one course in the management module, so that only 6 courses in the management module are required for graduation.

Course Title Credits
Required courses:
SPHL601Core Concepts in Public Health1
SPHL602Foundations of Epidemiology and Biostatistics4
SPHL603Public Health Data Laboratory1
SPHL620Leadership, Teams, and Coalitions: Policy to Advocacy2
SPHL610Program and Policy Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation5
SPHL611Public Health Ethics1
HLSA601Introduction to Health Systems3
HLSA778Practical Experience in Public Health4
Management electives12
Policy/Economics elective3
Data/Research elective3
Thesis or non-thesis option:6
Capstone Project in Public Health
Master's Thesis Research
Total Credits45