CINX - Cinema and Media Studies Education Abroad

CINX200 Blockbusters and Bestsellers: Italian Cinema and Literature of the 21st Century (3 Credits)

Examines some of the last three decade's most popular Italian films and novels, systematically exploring various genres such as comedy, drama, mystery, historical and epic. Explores key topics of Italian history, culture and society through an analysis of selected literary and cinematic works, with a focus on cinematic and narrative techniques as well as literary and cinematic genre criticism.

Additional Information: This course is offered as part of the Maryland-in-Perugia study abroad program. Students must apply for this program through Education Abroad: More information at Education Abroad processes registrations for this course on behalf of students.

CINX201 Cosa Nostra: Cinema and History of the (Anti)Mafia (3 Credits)

Examines the "Cosa Nostra", or Sicilian Mafia through historical, social, and cultural perspectives. Explores the progression of the Sicilian Mafia from the Risorgimento to the present day, the myths and legends surrounding the group, and efforts by US and Italian law enforcement and collaborators to fight organized crime through analysis of important American and Italian films portraying mafia culture.

Additional Information: This course is offered as part of the Maryland-in-Perugia study abroad program. Students must apply for this program through Education Abroad: More information at Education Abroad processes registrations for this course on behalf of students.

CINX202 Italian Cinema from Neorealism to Netflix (3 Credits)

Examines some of the most important Italian films from the post-World War II era to the present day, covering ideological and aesthetic rules of film art, and reviewing and expanding upon the most important elements of film technique as well as essential topics in the field of film theory and criticism. Explores the roots of Italian cinema, analyzes Neorealism and examines the most important directors and genres, considering recent small-screen productions from HBO/RAI television and Netflix.

Additional Information: This course is offered as part of the Maryland-in-Perugia study abroad program. Students must apply for this program through Education Abroad: More information at Education Abroad processes registrations for this course on behalf of students.

CINX301 Glued to the Screen: TV Shows, Norms, and Culture (3 Credits)

Introduces the notion of TV as a cultural forum, a social regulator, and a social critique. Using examples from American, Scandinavian, and also British television, we will analyze how TV operates by working through social issues, and how TV shows mirror societal concerns and assumptions.

Additional Information: This course is offered as part of the Maryland-in-Stockholm study abroad program. Students must apply for this program through Education Abroad: More information at Education Abroad processes registrations for this course on behalf of students.

CINX302 Spain In Cinema: Global and Local Perspectives (3 Credits)

This course examines both Spanish cinematography and foreign/transnational audiovisual productions related to Spanish culture. The transdisciplinary approach includes film studies, sociology, history, anthropology and art theory, while also applying cultural and cross-cultural studies and post-colonialist views.

Additional Information: This course is offered as part of the Maryland-in-Barcelona study abroad program. Students must apply for this program through Education Abroad: More information at Education Abroad processes registrations for this course on behalf of students.

CINX304 London on Film: Representing the City in British and American Films (3 Credits)

Introduces students to key aspects of British film history and culture through consideration of the significance and meaning of London within British film culture. Students will compare and contrast the representation of London by different filmmakers in different eras, examine the social, cultural, and industrial factors that influence the making and reception of films, explore the concepts of "space" and "place", and draw links between London's history and its representation in films.

Additional Information: This course is offered as part of the Arts & Humanities-in-London study abroad program. Students must apply for this program through Education Abroad: More information at Education Abroad processes registrations for this course on behalf of students.

CINX305 Spanish Cinema (3 Credits)

One of the clearest representations of a country's culture, along with its art, society and customs, is cinema. This course explores how cinema represents key aspects of Spanish history, politics, lifestyle, and community through the analysis of film format, aesthetics, and historical influences, as well as the production of a short film.

Additional Information: This course is offered as part of the Maryland-in-Sevilla study abroad program. Students must apply for this program through Education Abroad: More information at Education Abroad processes registrations for this course on behalf of students.

CINX310 Mafia, Murder, and Mystery: Crime in Italian and American Cinema (3 Credits)

Studies how mafia and organized crime are presented in Italian and American cinematic texts. The course will examine the different expressions of the crime film genre, which dates back to the beginnings of filmmaking, focusing on the technical, visual, and aesthetic aspects of crime films.Cross-listed with: ENGX310.

Additional Information: This course is offered as part of the Maryland-in-Perugia study abroad program. Students must apply for this program through Education Abroad: More information at Education Abroad processes registrations for this course on behalf of students.

CINX311 Japanese Film: History, Culture, and Fantasy (3 Credits)

Examines a range of Japanese films spanning the second half of the 20th century, and situates them within their social, cultural and industrial contexts. Key periods in Japanese History will be introduced and the purpose and effect of their representation in films considered. Focusing on samurai period dramas, the rich Japanese tradition of ghost stories, and the Japanese animated film, we will think about how cultural practices, values and ideologies are refracted, circulated, enforced, and critiqued.

Additional Information: This course is offered as part of the ARHU-in-London study abroad program. Students must apply for this program through Education Abroad: More information at Education Abroad processes registrations for this course on behalf of students.

CINX316 Introduction to Filmmaking (3 Credits)

Explores the fundamentals of fiction filmmaking to students with little to no experience. Learn how to create film story ideas, plan a shoot, basic shooting techniques, as well as basic video editing. Explores topics including: understanding the formal foundations of cinematic storytelling, scene pre-visualization using blocking and shooting diagrams, the basic skills of shooting on location, as well as the basic techniques of film editing using a mixture of lectures and analysis workshops, as well as hands-on shooting and editing exercises.

Additional Information: This course is offered as part of the Maryland-in-Rome study abroad program. Students must apply for this program through Education Abroad: More information at Education Abroad processes registrations for this course on behalf of students.