Robotics and Autonomous Systems Minor (CMSC)

Center Director: Derek Paley, Ph.D.

For any questions, please contact

The Robotics and Autonomous Systems (RAS) minor is open to students majoring in Aerospace Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Computer Science. The minor takes a multidisciplinary approach to robotics in which students gain knowledge about the design, control, programming, and integration of robotics and autonomous systems. With an emphasis on hands-on experiences, students will gain practical skills through coursework, group projects, and research. Students will have the opportunity to participate as peer mentors and tutors. The minor program will also include regular interactions with academic, corporate, and/or governmental leaders in robotics, who will serve as both mentors and professional contacts.

Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Students will demonstrate the ability to apply advanced technical skills required to approach and resolve problems in the Robotics and Autonomous System (RAS) through upper-level RAS-related coursework in computer science and engineering disciplines.
  2. Students will be able to apply the broad interdisciplinary aspects of RAS, such as the design, control, programming, and integration of complex robotic systems.
  3. Students will obtain hands-on experience and demonstrate problem-solving skills in robotics through advanced coursework, experiential learning, and research.
  4. Students will gain a sophisticated understanding of the range of professional opportunities available in RAS as a result of first-hand interactions with RAS faculty and professionals.


Course Title Credits
Robotics and Autonomous Systems (RAS) Minor Prerequisites
Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers
One of the following:
Object-Oriented Programming I
Computing Fundamentals for Engineers
Computing Fundamentals for Engineers
Intermediate Programming Concepts for Engineers


A minimum grade of C- or better is required for all minor and all prerequisite courses. A maximum of 2 courses may be used to satisfy the requirements of both a major and a minor. 

Course Title Credits
Required Courses12
Introduction to Robotics
Robotics Programming
Robotics Project Laboratory
Robotics Perception and Planning
Supporting Math Course (Required. Select one course. Must be completed prior to enrollment in CMSC477) 1 3-4
Introduction to Linear Algebra
Multivariable Calculus, Linear Algebra and Differential Equations I (Honors)
Multivariable Calculus, Linear Algebra, Differential Equations II (Honors)
Linear Algebra for Scientists and Engineers
Introduction to Differential Equations and Linear Algebra for Engineers
Electives (select two courses):6
Course options will depend on the student's academic major and being able to meet course requirements/restrictions set by each Department. Other electives may be available. Contact minor advisor for assistance.
Machine Design
Design Optimization
Bio-Inspired Robotics
Remote Sensing Instrumentation
Mechatronics and the Internet of Things
Control Systems Laboratory
Engineering for Social Change
Engineering for Social Change
Assistive Robotics
Mircoelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) I
Control Systems
Control Systems Laboratory
Digital Signal Processing
Communication Networks
Capstone Design Project (ENEE408I Capstone Autonomous Robotics)
Flight Software Systems
Aircraft Flight Dynamics
Control of Aerospace Systems
Space Navigation and Guidance
Topics in Aerospace Engineering (ENAE488O Introduction to Autonomous Multi-Robot Swarms)
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Introduction to Machine Learning
Computer Vision
Computer Graphics
Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms
Selected Topics in Computer Science (CMSC498E Robotics)
Total Credits21-22

Students may waive this requirement if they complete the course for another minor or major.