EDMS - Measurement, Statistics, and Evaluation
EDMS410 Classroom Assessment (3 Credits)
Developing and using classroom assessments, including tests, performance assessments, rating scales, portfolios, observations and oral interactions; basic psychometric statistics; standard setting; grading; communicating assessment information; testing ethics; locating and evaluating measures; program evaluation and classroom research; assessments used for educational policy decisions.
Restriction: Junior standing or higher.
EDMS451 Introduction to Educational Statistics (3 Credits)
Introduction to statistical reasoning; location and dispersion measures; computer applications; regression and correlation; formation of hypotheses tests; t-test; one-way analysis of variance; analysis of contingency tables.
Restriction: Sophomore standing or higher.
EDMS489 Field Experiences in Measurement and Statistics (1-4 Credits)
Planned field experience in education-related activities. Credit not to be granted for experiences accrued prior to registration.
Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Human Development and Quantitative Methodology department.
Repeatable to: 4 credits.
EDMS498 Special Problems in Measurement and Statistics (1-3 Credits)
Available only to education majors who have formal plans for individual study of approved problems.
Prerequisite: Available only to education majors who have formal plans for individual study of approved problems.
Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Human Development and Quantitative Methodology department.
Repeatable to: 6 credits.