PHPE - Philosophy, Politics, and Economics
PHPE308 Special Topics in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (3 Credits)
A sustained investigation of a topic at the intersection of philosophy, politics and economics.
Repeatable to: 15 credits if content differs.
PHPE313 From the Stoa to Silicon Valley: Ancient and Modern Approaches to Stoic Philosophy (3 Credits)
Stoicism, ancient Rome's most popular philosophy, posited that virtue is the only human good and that individuals must detach themselves emotionally from the material world in order to live ethical lives. Principles of Stoic philosophy will be explored together with the wide array of artistic, political, and intellectual traditions that have drawn inspiration from it, from the Haitian revolutionary movement of the late 18th century, to the sexist "manosphere" of Reddit and Twitter, to modern cognitive-behavioral therapy.
PHPE350 Careers in Impact (3 Credits)
The impact ecosystem is vast and complex and consists of public, private, and nonprofit sectors engaged in shaping the world around them. Each sector within this ecosystem has its own theory of change and plays a specific role in the broader impact space. As you seek to become a purposeful professional, it is essential to develop a deeper understanding of this ecosystem, the different levers of influence within it, and the intra-relationship between the sectors. This course introduces you to both the impact landscape and working professionals. Through lectures, guest visits, and hands-on projects you come away better equipped to find your place within the impact ecosystem.
PHPE355 Practicum on Civic Engagement (3 Credits)
As a PPE student, you are motivated to shape the world around you. Local governments share this same mission. In "Practicum on Civic Engagement", you will learn the tools of civic engagement and develop a project for a local government that furthers their goals. The class will consist of lectures that cover political, economic, and cultural aspects of civic engagement along with discussion days where you will work with your colleagues on a real-world project. This course is not an internship. Students will work to develop a project to serve their local government over the course of the semester and will have an opportunity to present their work to local government officials at the end of the semester.
PHPE386 Experiential Learning Practicum in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (3-6 Credits)
For students who wish to gain experience working in research outside the classroom. Pending approval of the department, students may work at a professional site or remotely under professional supervision - your primary supervisor must be a professional in the field. Beyond working at a professional site or under professional supervision, students will have to complete further assignments to receive a passing grade in the course. Students may take PHPE386 for three-six credits, but only three credits will count towards the major requirements. PHPE386 is only open to those with junior standing or above.
Restriction: Junior standing or higher.
PHPE400 Individual and Group Decision-Making (3 Credits)
Foundational issues that arise within the theories of rational choice that underlie the treatments of decision-making found in economics, politics, and the other social sciences. The course is focused on individual decisions (rational choice theory), strategic decisions (game theory) and group decisions (social choice theory). In addition to presenting the formal models of decision making, we also discuss to what extent these mathematical theories explain social interactions. An important aspect of the course is to introduce students to the ways in which economic analysis has been applied to issues in social and political philosophy. Readings will be drawn from the literature in economics, psychology, statistics and political science, as well as philosophy.
PHPE401 Social Philosophy and Political Economy (3 Credits)
Examines capitalism and socialism as differing modes of economic production through several different theoretical lenses. We begin by examining capitalism and socialism as they developed historically, by looking primarily at the work of Adam Smith and Karl Marx. Then, we turn our attention to one of the most important debates in 20th century economics: to what extent rational economic calculation is possible in a socialist commonwealth. After this we turn our attention to how capitalist and socialist modes of production functioned in practice. We end by turning our attention to the ethics of capitalism and socialism: which mode of economic production is most just?
PHPE402 Senior Capstone in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (3 Credits)
Senior capstone course for the Philosophy, Politics, and Economics major. The exact content of the course will be determined by the instructor who teaches it. The purpose of the course is to pursue sustained inquiry on a narrow philosophical topic, using the tools and methods from economics and political science to help analyze the topic. The course ends with a substantial research paper, where the student should demonstrate an ability to use the tools of philosophy, political science, and economics in his or her analysis.
Restriction: Must be in the Philosophy, Politics, and Economics major; and must have senior standing.
PHPE408 Advanced Topics in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (3 Credits)
A sustained investigation of a topic at the intersection of philosophy, politics and economics.
Repeatable to: 15 credits if content differs.