Academic Achievement Programs

2204 Marie Mount Hall
Phone: 301-405-4736
Fax: 301-314-9162

Executive Director: Jerry L. Lewis, J.D.

The Academic Achievement Programs (AAP) primarily serves traditionally underrepresented and low-income and first-generation students. Academic support, skill enhancement, academic advising and counseling, and tutoring are provided for these populations and for students with disabilities. Academic Achievement Programs include the Intensive Educational Development (IED), Educational Opportunity Center (EOC), the Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program (McNair), the Summer Transitional Program (STP), Student Support Services (SSS), Educational Talent Search-Central (ETS-Central) and Educational Talent Search-North (ETS-North). EOC, McNair, SSS and both ETS Central and North are part of the Federal TRIO programs and are funded by the U.S. Department of Education to promote access, provide support services, and motivate traditionally underrepresented students for retention in and graduation from undergraduate programs and prepare for doctoral programs.

Educational Opportunity Center (EOC)

Phone: 301-429-5933

Director: Marcal Graham, Ed.D.

UM-EOC is supported by a U.S. Department of Education grant designed to assist persons 19 and older, low-income, and first-generation in pursuing post-secondary educational opportunities. UM-EOC serves primarily Inner-Beltway communities in Prince George's County and provides assistance in the application process for admission to and financial aid for post-secondary education. Specific guidance is given in selecting colleges, completing the FAFSA, and promoting post-secondary education for target populations. EOC also works with high school seniors in some Prince George's County High Schools.

Educational Talent Search Programs North 

Phone: 301-429-5933

Director: Bridget Brandon, M.S.

Educational Talent Search programs (ETS) are federally funded by the Department of Education to serve a total of 1,000 students from targeted Prince George's County schools. ETS is designed to identify academically talented and promising college students who are in the ninth and tenth grades and are highly likely candidates for competitive higher educational institutions admission/enrollment across the United States. The programs provide guidance, academic advising, coaching, tutoring, parent involvement training/support through high school and assistance with the college enrollment and financial aid process.

Educational Talent Search Programs Central 

Phone: 301-429-5933

Director: Carla Partlow, M.B.A.

Educational Talent Search programs (ETS) are federally funded by the Department of Education to serve a total of 1,000 students from targeted Prince George's County schools. ETS is designed to identify academically talented and promising college students who are in the ninth and tenth grades and are highly likely candidates for competitive higher educational institutions admission/enrollment across the United States. The programs provide guidance, academic advising, coaching, tutoring, parent involvement training/support through high school and assistance with the college enrollment and financial aid process.

Intensive Educational Development (IED)

Phone: 301-405-4739

Director: Sharon VanWright, Ed.D.

IED provides an array of intensive academic and tutorial services to first-year and second-year students who participate in the Summer Transitional Program (STP), eligible first- and second-year transfer students, and other eligible students who seek academic support. The IED program begins with the STP; prospective students who are admitted to the university through the IED program are required to attend this six-week transitional program. Successful completion of the STP is required for admission to the university. Admitted students continue to receive program services throughout their undergraduate career at the university.

Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program

Phone: 301-405-4749

Director: LaToya Walters, Ph.D.

The McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program (McNair Program) is funded and designed principally to prepare low-income, first-generation college juniors and seniors and/or students from traditionally underrepresented groups to matriculate and retain in graduate programs and earn doctoral degrees. The McNair Program is a year round commitment that consists of monthly workshops during the academic year and a six-week summer research experience that affords McNair Scholars the opportunity to work intimately with faculty mentors on specific research projects. McNair Scholars are required to complete a research abstract/paper for publication, and receive financial support towards presenting their research at conferences. The McNair Program offers instructional courses and workshops, as well as expert training and advice on written and oral communication skills, research methodologies, the preparation of compelling personal statements, admission and financial aid applications, and graduate school admission tests. “Whether or not you reach your goals in life depends entirely on how well you prepare for them and how badly you want them” and the McNair Program is committed to providing services to best equip students with a skill set that leads to the successful completion of doctoral degrees (Dr. Ronald E. McNair).

Student Support Services (SSS)

Phone: 301-405-4739

Director: Melanie Glover, Ph.D.

SSS is a U.S. Department of Education grant supported program geared toward low-income and first-generation college students. It works in conjunction with the IED Program focusing much of its support to first- and second- year students. SSS provides academic and career advising, tutoring, stress management, and study-skill and test-taking support to eligible low-income and first-generation undergraduate students throughout their time at the university. The SSS program also provides financial aid workshops and assistance, individual and group counseling, and leadership development workshops. In limited cases, SSS provides supplemental grant aid to eligible participants in the program.

Summer Transitional Program (STP)

Phone: 301-405-4739

Director: Sharon VanWright, Ed.D. 

The Summer Transitional Program (STP) assists students in both their academic and personal adjustment to the university. It includes very intensive skills enhancement in math, English, and college study strategies, coupled with enrollment in a selected three-credit university course with tutoring to facilitate students' academic adjustment. In addition, students enroll in a one-credit orientation course and participate in weekly individual and/or group counseling sessions. The six-week STP is required of all students admitted to the university through SSS/IED.