National Scholarships Office

2403 Marie Mount Hall
Phone: 301-314-1289

Director: Francis DuVinage, Ph.D.
Assistant Director: Leslie Brice Bustamante, Ph.D.

The National Scholarships Office at the University of Maryland, College Park aims to provide undergraduates with the best possible information, guidance and support as they learn about and apply for national scholarships.

National scholarships are competitive, prestigious awards that provide opportunities and support for a wide range of enriching experiences, including study abroad, graduate study (in a few cases for undergraduate study also), federal employment, teaching, research, and public service. National scholarships are looking for students (with or without financial need) who are developing strong interests and goals - academic and extracurricular - and who strive to take advantage of every constructive opportunity that will help them reach their objectives. Just as each national scholarship offers a different kind of opportunity, each is also looking for a different range of strengths and interests in its applicants. If you develop a strong academic record, are thoughtful about your choices and devote yourself to activities you care about, you may well find one or more scholarship opportunities of interest to you.

The National Scholarships Office aims to make learning about and applying for national scholarships an enlightening experience. In addition to providing information about national scholarships through our website, through group presentations and through individual advising, we also provide individualized guidance and support at every stage of the application process. We invite you to visit our website and to make an appointment with us by writing to to learn more about national scholarships that may help you attain your goals.