Archaeology Minor (ARTH)

Phone: 301-405-2360

Director of Undergraduate Studies: Jorge J. Bravo III, Ph.D.

Advising will be coordinated in any given year by the faculty member who is teaching the required, cross-listed course. Contact Prof. Jorge Bravo ( in the Classics Department for information.

The interdisciplinary minor in Archaeology is intended to introduce students to the global importance of archaeology and its value as a mode of scholarly inquiry.

The minor requires a minimum of 15 credits and consists of three elements:

  1. A required 3-credit, 3xx-level course, Archaeological Methods and Practice, cross-listed as ANTH305, CLAS305, ARTH305, and JWST319Y, to be offered once each year.  There is a one-course prerequisite, to be chosen from among the following: ANTH240, CLAS180, or ARTH200.
  2. 3 to 6 credits in approved courses offering fieldwork experience.  There are many options at UMCP, including historical archaeology courses in ANTH that do not require travel abroad.  Study-abroad programs at other institutions must be approved in advance by a UMCP faculty member with the appropriate specialization.
  3. 6 to 9 credits in supporting courses involving subject matter that includes a significant focus on archaeology (in, e.g., ARCH, ANTH, ARTH, CLAS, HIST, JWST, LARC, RELS).  A list of approved courses will be made available to students interested in the minor.  The list will be updated as course offerings change.

As required for all minors, at least 9 credits overall must be in courses at the 3xx or 4xx level.  The grade point average in the minor must be at least 2.0 and no grade below "C-" can be counted toward the minor.  A maximum of 6 credits may be counted toward both the minor and the student’s major.  A maximum of 6 credits earned at other institutions may be counted toward the minor.