Creative Writing Minor

Department of English
1128 Tawes Hall
Phone: 301-405-3825

Director of Undergraduate Studies: Scott Trudell, Ph.D.

The minor in Creative Writing offers students the opportunity to engage deeply with their own writing and that of their peers in a graduated series of workshops led by professional writers of poetry and prose.

To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, go to and complete a minor contact form, or contact the English Undergraduate Studies Office at

The minor in Creative Writing offers students the opportunity to engage deeply with their own writing and that of their peers in a graduated series of workshops led by professional writers of poetry and prose.

The Creative Writing minor's 15 credits consist of the following:

Course Title Credits
Select three credits at the 2xx-level of the following:3
Writing Poems and Stories: An Introductory Workshop
Writing Fiction: A Beginning Workshop
Writing Poetry: A Beginning Workshop
Creative Writing Through The Eyes of African Americans: A Beginning Workshop
Select one of the following:3
Intermediate Fiction Workshop
Intermediate Poetry Workshop
Select two sections of the following:6
Advanced Fiction Workshop
Advanced Poetry Workshop
Select three credits in any upper-level English Literature course3
Total Credits15

After admission to the minor, students choose to specialize in either prose (ENGL352ENGL498) or poetry (ENGL353ENGL499).  Students admitted directly to a 3xx-level workshop must take three workshops (9 credits) at the 4xx-level.

No course grade below the grade of "C-" may count toward the minor. An overall GPA of 2.0 in the minor is required for graduation.