Chemistry and Biochemistry

College of Computer, Mathematical & Natural Sciences
1526 Chemistry Building
Phone: 301-405-1788

The department blends chemistry and biochemistry with cross cutting research programs in energy and environment, biomaterials and nanobiotechnology, advanced materials and quantitative science. Grounded in traditional subfields (analytical, biochemistry, inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry), research in the department extends from molecular biophysics and catalysis to environmental and polymer chemistry, and onto theoretical and computational chemistry. Nationally recognized, award-winning faculty instruct students and provide them with research opportunities that lead to their independent careers. In addition, vigorous collaborative interactions with nearby national labs (including NIH, NIST, and the FDA) expand departmental opportunities and research.

Chair: J. Reutt-Robey

Professors: N. Blough, J. Davis, T. Dayie, D. Falvey, J. Fourkas, D. Fushman, O. Herzberg, L. Isaacs, C. Jarzynski, S. Lee, A. Mignerey, A. Mullin, P. Nemes, J. Orban, G. Papoian, E. Rodiguez, R. Salawitch, M. Shi, L. Sita, P. Tiwary, A. Vedernikov, L. Wang, Y. Wang, D. Weber, J. Weeks

Associate Professors: D. Julin (emeritus), J. Kahn, P. Paukstelis

Assistant Professors: L. Dodson, J. Lee, Yanxin Liu, Yu Liu, M. Poulin, M. Taylor

Principal Lecturers: B. Dixon., L. Friedman, M. Montague-Smith (emeritus)

Senior Lecturers: C. Capp, E. Griffith, M. Koppel, L. Stocker, N. White 

Lecturers: A. Baxter, C. Guest, J. Rainbolt, A. Schech, A. Souna

Affiliate Professors: A. Asa-Awuku, R. Dickerson, J. Dinman, S. Matysiak, W. McDonough, S. Raghavan, W. Winkler, T. Woehl

Adjunct Professors: A. Grishaev, O. Gutierrez, N. LaRonde, J. Marino, W. May, Z. Nie, R. Nussinov, S. Ostrand-Rosenberg, J. Petersen, C. Ridge, D. Thirumalai, M. Zachariah, M. Zheng

Associate Research Scientist: K. Gaskell

Professors Emeriti: M. Alexander, J. Bellama, P. DeShong, H. DeVoe, B. Eichhorn, C. Fenselau, S. Greer, S. Grim, J. Hansen, G. Helz, B. Jarvis, G. Lorimer, P. Mazzocchi, G. Miller, T. O'Haver, W. Walters

There is mandatory advising for all Chemistry and Biochemistry majors each semester. Advising appointments can be made by contacting the undergraduate office, 1206 Chemistry Building, 301-405-1791. Information can be found at:

Honors Program

Students with a GPA of 3.0 or better who have completed at least two semesters of CHEM399 have an opportunity to sign up for CHEM398 in their senior year and be considered for departmental honors. After successful completion of a senior honors thesis and seminar, graduation with honors or with high honors in chemistry or biochemistry can be attained. Details are available here:

Student Societies and Professional Organizations

Alpha Chi Sigma Chemistry Fraternity is a professional fraternity which recruits men and women students from chemistry, biochemistry, and related science majors during each fall and spring semester. The fraternity holds weekly meetings and provides tutoring for students in lower-level chemistry courses. The office is in Room 2106A Chemistry Building. Dr. Joseph Houck is the faculty advisor (Room 1102 Chemistry Building, 301-405-9289).

The student affiliate program of the American Chemical Society (SA-ACS) is designed to introduce students in chemistry, biochemistry and related fields to a variety of professional activities. Student affiliates will gain skills and make contacts aimed at launching a successful career in science. Activities include networking and meeting with professionals, attending national meetings, and participating in public outreach programs. Affiliates also receive subscriptions to Chemical & Engineering News, the undergraduate career magazine, in Chemistry, as well as gaining on-line access to announcements regarding job and intern opportunities. The student affiliate office is located in Room 2112A of the Chemistry Building.

Scholarships and Financial Assistance

The department awards several scholarships to undergraduate majors with financial need and outstanding academic records, including the Isidore and Annie Adler Scholarship, the Leidy Foundation Scholarship, the G. Forrest Woods Scholarship, the James H. & Patricia H. Rich Scholarship, the Bruce Jarvis Scholarship, the Francesco Barone Scholarship, and the James Stewart Scholarship. Scholarship amounts are contingent on available funds and some may be divided among multiple awardees. Any given scholarship is not necessarily awarded every year. There is no application process; all declared chemistry and biochemistry majors are automatically reviewed annually by the Departmental Awards Committee. The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices, participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit: